If those three words are something you can relate to then join the club!  23%-31% of reproductive-aged women experience premenstrual syndrome to some degree that affects their daily lives. 

So PMS is super common and while Chiropractic care may not hold all the answers, in my experience it usually helps.  Are you tired of the cramps, the backache, that dragging feeling that feel like everything from your navel down might just fall out, the moodiness, the headaches, the fatigue the heaviness, the pimples and the list goes on and on . . .  Are you tired of using prescription medication to mask the symptoms or just taking a day, or three out of life to deal with the symptoms associated with menstruation?  

Let’s be clear PMS is extremely common, but it’s not normal.  A beautifully functioning human body should easily transition from stage to stage throughout your cycle.  In fact other than keeping track in your diary you shouldn’t know your period is due until it shows up.  No warning pains, migraines fatigue or crankiness.  Unfortunately this isn’t many women’s lived experience.  Beginning in late childhood/early teens for most these symptoms can be a huge challenge for school, sport and socialising. In fact dysmenorrhoea has an estimated prevalence of 70-90% among young women. While the symptoms sometimes settle down during 20’s and 30’s the 40’s and 50’s often bring the very same symptoms stampeding back and peri-menopause creeps up . . . just when you thought that was all over with! 

So what can you do about it?  At HHG we investigate the cause and look at the alignment of your pelvis and the nerves that supply the uterus, are they compromised, could there be a biomechanical reason for the uterine pain? Are you perhaps deficient in calcium or magnesium, both which can help to reduce the symptoms associated with PMS.

In practice we typically see four characteristic hormonal patterns:

  • Too much Progestone activity = moodiness and pain

  • Excess Oestrogen activity = inflammation and growth (pelvic congestion)

  • Too little Oestrogen activity = menopausal symptoms typically in middle age

  • Excess Testosterone activity = no periods or very few, hirsuitism and/or acne

At HHG we consider the chemical, physical and emotional factors around PMS and understand that a successful treatment plan not only addresses the presenting symptoms but all the contributing underlying factors.  MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH DR. Bianca.


We need to talk more about Period Pain -It’s NOT Normal.


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